This post may contain affiliate marketing links for products my pets and I adore. You won’t ever be charged a fee for shopping via my affiliate links. I may receive a small commission for purchases made through my affiliate links. I'll most likely use that commission to spoil my own pets or the Living Creatures Ministry Therapy animals. 🐾 Learn more.
Check out these poop bags and other poo related products I use to care for my dogs and cats as well as yours! Responsible pet owners always clean up after their pets to protect our planet, clean up our communities, and act as an example for other pet owners.
Flushable Poop Bags
Flushable poop bags can be a very eco-friendly poo disposal option IF your local waste water treatment plant can handle them.
Always make sure to check with your local waste water treatment plant to make sure they are set up to handle pet waste before flushing any pet poo.
Compostable Poop Bags
Just about everything is biodegradable... it just takes a lot of things a loooooooong time to biodegrade. If you're looking for a poop bag that will easily break down, compostable is a better word to search for! Just like with flushable bags, it's a good idea to check with your local composting facility to see if they even accept pet waste. If they do, these bags from Doggy Do Good are a great option! Please do NOT compost these in your vegetable garden compost pile. It is not safe to compost predator waste if your compost pile does not get hot enough to break everything down properly.
A portion of the proceeds from each purchase go towards animal rescue AND Doggy Do Good is a small business based in my home state of Michigan!
Kurgo Tailgate Poop Bag Dumpster
Responsible pet owners pack out their pet's poo on a hike. With this awesome magnetic tailgate dumpster, you can now do so without riding home surrounded by stank! Simply attach the dumpster to the back of your vehicle and place your full poo bags inside. (Owners of Danes and other giant breeds might want to get two, just in case!) When you get home, you can then dispose of them safely. This has absolutely changed my life as I head out on many adventures each week with Day Camp clients and with my own pets on the weekends. My nose is happy!
Poop Scoop with Spade
Throughout my years as a zookeeper, shelter worker, kennel attendant, pet trainer, and pet owner I have tried many, many versions of Ye Olde Pooper Scooper. Trust me when I say that this style is the absolute best for scooping dog (and cat) poop outdoors. Yes, you want the spade. No, not the rake. Easy to use, especially if you have insane poop piling skills to really fill that scoop up, and easy to clean and disinfect. This scoop is a no brainer for any pet owner.
Kitty Poo Club
As a cat owner with allergies and asthma, I could not have dreamed up a better system than the Kitty Poo Club litterboxes and litter!
Seriously, if you are a cat owner PLEASE get a Kitty Poo Club subscription! The first thing I noticed when we started a Kitty Poo Club was an immediate improvement in my allergies and asthma. Next, I realized there was NO SMELL. Even at the end of the month, there is no litter smell whatsoever in our house, even in the room with the litter boxes! We use their silica litter options, as well as their litter mats!
I am in LOVE with these boxes, and especially the fact that I can recycle them every month (Yay saving the Earth!) so I never have to scrub a litter box again! Get yourself and all of your cat owning friends a Kitty Poo Club subscription ASAP.